The comment thread is getting a little long on this page and the oldest comment was first. I enabled threaded comments a few weeks ago and today decided to reverse comment order with newest first because it seems to work a little better with threaded comments, especially long threads.
Author: mark
Irish Melodic Metal to kick your Friday's ass
When I’m coding on 4 hours sleep I stream very heavy metal to stay focused. ChroniX GRIT on iTunes is usually my staple. I just heard a new band out of Dublin, Ireland called Shattered Skies and they absolutely kick ass!
They’ve released their Reanimation EP free on SoundCloud and BandCamp.
This is the final track on the EP titled This is What We Built:
06 – This Is What We Built – [Reanimation EP] by Shattered Skies
Who created the debt crisis the United States is in?
This is illuminating to say the least. The Washington Post is reporting on spending under Bush vs Obama. Keep in mind that the Post has been called “Pravda on the Potomac”, so it comes with a healthy pinch of liberal bias. My view is that the budget culture in Washington is broken because a new budget item becomes permanent by default, so spending can never decrease.
Is the budget "crisis" an exercise in self promotion?
One side effect of the so called “budget criss” is that everyone who never heard of congressman John Boehner, speaker of the house of representatives and representative of Ohio’s 8th congressional district, has now heard of him.
Here’s Google trends showing the rise of Boehner:
The longer this spectacle continues, the more famous Boehner and everyone else involved in the process becomes. One wonders if this is self promotion at the cost of massive market uncertainty.
It’s hard to believe that Boehner and everyone else in the process doesn’t dream of a scenario where they get maximum publicity until the very last moment and then pull a “solution to this criss” out of the bag on 11:59pm on August 1st.
I doubt he’s crying now.
Is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Worth $45 a pound?
About 3 weeks ago I had the worst cup of coffee imaginable – whole beans from the local supermarket and just unbelievably bitter. So to get over my coffee PTSD I decided to spring $45.55 (incl. shipping) for a pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain. I ordered it from Coffee Bean Direct. It arrived on time and in great condition. The bag is pictured on left. Whole beans, already roasted.
My first cupping was, I must admit not as impressive as I thought it would be. I didn’t grow wings. Angels did not sing.
I drink my coffee black with no sugar or cream. I grind whole beans in a regular old $10 grinder and use a french press. I’ll use 2 tablespoons of beans for 1 cup and let it brew for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on how rushed I am.
After drinking blue mountain for a little more than a week now I am on the fence. It’s great coffee. There’s no bitterness and it has a wonderful mild flavour. But it doesn’t quite have that $45.55 feel to it that I was hoping for.
I usually get my coffee from Peets. Don’t bother with the supermarket stuff. Get it from the Peets store because it’s better quality, more selection and they clear out old stock after 10 days – and probably send it to the supermarkets. Peets Major Dickenson is almost as good as blue mountain. The bean quality, which I think is really important, is great with both coffees. Peets has one or two dull or smashed beans but on the whole they look almost as good as Blue Mountain.
So I want to be able to say: Blue Mountain is all I drink because it’s the only real coffee. But it’s only about twice as good as Peets and 10 times as good as SB.
The Today Show: Journey performs Don't Stop Believing this morning (Video)
Today Show: With Arnel Pineda’s new haircut, Journey performed Don’t Stop Believing at the Rockerfeller Plaza this morning on The Today Show. Apparently it’s famous again thanks to Glee and the Sporanos.
Check out the guy at 3:00 in the video. He’s just itching to rip that suit off.
Orange Juice just got ruined for me
If you buy bottled orange juice, read this. Now. And ruin your perception of OJ forever.
The job of kings
My favorite facebook tweet or whatever you call it in your stream. A Fweet maybe. Dave Lefkow, creator of BaconSalt and Bacon Lip Balm, playing in their R&D lab at J&D Foods with bacon and a bottle of Jack. Dude, you have my dream job!