Author: mark

  • Bleet: Big VC's aren't always the best choice

    What’s a Bleet? A blog entry that really should be a tweet.

    Naval and Nivi (venturehacks) posted an interesting tweet today:

    Chris Dixon on the problem with taking seed money from big VCs: Some solutions:

    I agree. I think there’s cachet value in having a large VC invest and based on Chris’s (IMO correct) views you need to decide if that value is worth the extra equity you’re giving up. The only scenario I can think of where cachet adds tangible value for founders is if you’re grooming the business for IPO or exit.

  • An immaginary conversation about immigration with Glenn Beck

    Update: I wrote this blog entry and then predictably, I unposted it after my more diplomatic side took over. But it got out via my RSS feed anyway and a friend enjoyed it. So here it is in all it’s left wing liberal glory. I’m switching the published date to today. Enjoy.

    I’m an immigrant.glennBeckXenophobe

    “Oooh nasty! Are you here to send your dirty kids to our schools?”


    “Are you going to leech of our social security?”


    “Are you going to steal jobs from my family and my kids?”


    “Are you going to rip off our great health care system and then scuttle back to the dirty little hole you came from?”

    Um, no. Hey I didn’t accidentally cross the Canadian border did I?

    “So what are you doing in this here land of the free and home of the brave boy?”

    I’m here to create jobs for your kids. I moved here in 2003. Since then I’ve created four technology startups with the goal of building a profitable business, bringing foreign currency to the United States and creating jobs for Americans. I created one of the worlds largest job search engines to help Americans find jobs. I currently run a software business who’s products are used by over 300,000 websites world-wide and that brings foreign currency to the USA.

    “Oh come now. You’re just taking money away from American investors.”

    Actually most of my investors are self-made and are also immigrants. Some of them helped create Google, that great company co-founded by Sergei Brin, also an immigrant.

    “So what’s your point?”

    Well my point is that I’m surprised I have to have this conversation with you at all my little xenophobic marshmallow-faced friend. You may not realize it but you are costing this country billions in future earnings with your crappy attitude. Immigrant entrepreneurs are feeling pretty damn unappreciated thanks to you.

    “OK so what are you going to do? Move to Russia or something?”

    Actually Chile is sounding pretty good right now and is probably going to steal a truckload of talent that would have created millions of jobs and billions in future taxable dollars for the USA. If you invest $500,000 over 5 years, they’ll give you permanent residency, $30,000 to visit and explore Chile for due diligence, another $30,000 to launch your company in Chile, give you up to $1 Million for rent if you’re in one of their tech centers, up to $25,000 per year for training expenses for each of the locals you hire from one of their excellent engineering schools. You can even bring your own talented people to the country from anywhere in the world and Chile will pay for their training too. They’ll pay 40% of your costs if you want to build your own office up to $2 Million. And if your talented friends want to move to Chile they automatically get a working visa if they get a legitimate job.

    “So go! American’s are a tough breed. We know how to take care of ourselves!”

    Actually, you’ve been relying on us immigrant types for some time now. Albert Einstein immigrated to the United States and brought with him the physics you needed to create the first atomic bomb. Wernher Von Braun and 1,600 other scientists and engineers were brought to the United States post World War 2 as part of operation paperclip and Von Braun and his men were the creators of the Saturn V rocket that took the US to the moon. The space race gave birth to Silicon Valley, much of which continues to be powered by immigrant intellects today. Over half of all Valley Startups and one quarter of all American tech companies are started by immigrants.

    “So what the hell do you want me to do?”

    I want you to stop promoting a culture of xenophobia in this country. I want you to start thinking about what an opportunity this country has right now because, for all the America haters out there, there are still boatloads of PhD’s and business creators who want to come to this country. All we have to do is open our front doors to them and make them feel welcome. We don’t even have to throw tax dollars at them. They are self sufficient and through fulfilling their own dreams they’ll help fulfill the dreams you have for your children.

  • CO

    I’m in Colorado in a semi-rural area in Elbert County in the town of Elizabeth. I get a lot of work done here because there’s not much going on. This is taken from my macbook’s webcam pointed out the window.


  • Great interview with Columbia's Bruce Greenwald on value investing

    There’s a spectacular interview on today with my favorite FT journalist John Authers with Bruce Greenwald who teaches Ben Graham’s value investing course at Columbia.

    Bruce talks about behavioural finance and the irrationality of investors, the often ignored mathematical realities of the market, the brutality and danger of short selling (all short sales are treated as short term capital gains), the power and value of franchise and much more!

    I love his constant reminder of what value actually means: First look at the balance sheet, then current earnings ignoring growth.

    He does a great fast analysis of why even value investors got caught with Fannie and Freddie because they misanalysed the balance sheet.

  • ROTFLMFAO at 3am!

    I’m sitting here laughing hysterically at 3am trying not to wake the whole house.
    Found this old fail surfing youtube:

  • MySQL GIS Extensions Quick Start

    A friend is busy putting together a kick ass startup with a strong geographic component. He’s using Google Maps API version 3 which is a vast improvement (and total rewrite) from previous versions. But he needs to store and query his geographic data in a fast efficient way. There are many options out there, but if you want massive speed and scaleability you really want to use MySQL. So I’m writing this quickstart guide for his (and your) benefit.

    Most websites don’t need to do complicated things like store polygon data. They just need to store points on a map and then retrieve those points. They also need to be able to ask the database for all points within a rectangle. So I’m going to run you through schema creation, inserting data, getting your lat/lon data out of the database again, and querying the database for all points within a rectangle. We’re also going to deal with the nasty little issue of asking the database for points in a rectangle that crosses the 180 degree boundary (or the International Date Line).

    Why use MySQL’s GIS extensions?

    The main, and possibly only reason is because you want speed. You could store lat/lon coordinates as decimal degrees in MySQL. Then when you query the database you’d say “Give me all records where the lat is > X and < Y and the lon is > A and < B. But MySQL (and many other databases) is slow when you’re doing range queries like that because it can’t use it’s regular B-Tree indexes effectively for a range query.

    So instead you create a column called a geometry. Then you create an index on that column called a spatial index. This is really an R-Tree index that is very fast when you’re doing range queries.

    It’s really that simple. You want to use MySQL’s GIS because spatial indexes are faster for lat/lon range queries than regular indexes. I honestly can’t think of another reason I’d go through the effort of storing/retrieving my data using GIS functions.

    How do I create a table to store lat/lon points?

    I’m assuming you know how to create a regular table in MySQL. You create a basic table containing coordinates like so:

    CREATE TABLE geom (
      lat float(10,7) NOT NULL,
      lon float(10,7) NOT NULL,

    Firstly note that I’m storing the coordinates as decimal degrees AND in a spatial column (g). I’m a little paranoid and I like to store the source data.

    Note that I’ve specified the table type to be MyISAM. You currently can only create a spatial index on MyISAM tables. You CAN create geometry columns on other table types like InnoDB, but without a spatial index it’s going to be slow which defeates the whole point of using GIS extensions because the only reason you’re using them is SPEED. The down-side of using MyISAM is that if you’re going to be doing a lot of writes to your table (by a lot I mean more than 10 per second) then MyISAM is going to slow down because it doesn’t support row level locking. But if you’re just going to be adding a few hundred thousand records a day and doing a lot more reads than writes, then this will work just fine for you. And remember that you can always replicate this table to a small cluster of slaves and have your web servers query the slaves when you want to scale your website.

    How do I insert data into my fancy new spatial table?

    I’m going to assume you’ve figured out how to get the lat/lon coordinates you need from the Google Maps API or whatever your source is. Here’s how you insert the data:

    INSERT INTO geom (lat, lon, g) VALUES
        (47.37, -122.21, GeomFromText('POINT(47.37 -122.21)'));

    Some things to note here: The value inside the GeomFromText function is a string. So in your application you’re going to have to create that string by concatenating together ‘POINT(‘, your lat, a space, your lon and ‘)’. Then you’re probably going to prepare a statement that looks like:

    insert into geom (lat, lon, g) values
       (?, ?, GeomFromText(?))

    When you execute it you’ll pass in the decimal degrees and the string you created.

    Great, so how do I get the data back out again?

    MySQL will tell you to use the AsText function to turn that geometry point back into something your application can use or pass to the Google Maps API. But because you also stored it as decimal degrees you can just do:

    select lat, lon from geom;

    But what you really care about is getting it back out FAST! When you ask the database for all points inside a rectangle you need to define that rectangle. So if you imagine a map you need to give the database two points on that map. So we’ll use a point in the South West and a point in the North East.

    Lets say you want all points inside the rectangle where the South West point is latitude 46, longitude -123 and the North East point is latitude 48 and longitude -121. NOTE: -121 is further east than -123 degrees of longitude. Just to make it clearer:

    SW Lat: 46
    SW Lon: -123
    NE Lat: 48
    NE Lon: -121

    You’ll do the following query:

    select lat, lon from geom where
        GeomFromText('Polygon((46 -123, 48 -123, 48 -121, 46 -121, 46 -123))'),

    If all those numbers look a little confusing, what you’re actually doing is drawing a square (polygon) starting at the south west corner and ending back at the south west corner. A square has four corners, but you have to close the box for MySQL so you have to repeat the last coordinate. ‘p’ is the second parameter to MBRContains and it specifies which column in the table must be contained in the box you’ve created. Lets replace the coordinates with variables to make it easier to read:

    select lat, lon from geom where
        GeomFromText('Polygon((swLat swLon, neLat swLon, neLat neLon,
          swLat neLon, swLat swLon))'),
       p );

    NOTE: I had to break the above lines up for readability. You may want to have this all as a single line in your code.

    Well that’s just peachy, but what if my rectangle is in the middle of the Pacific ocean and crosses the International Date Line?

    The Earth is, unfortunately, round. If it were flat we could end the conversation here, I could get on with some work and you could do whatever it is you do on a Saturday at 11:46am mountain standard time. But the Earth is round, so you and I are stuck with each other for another few minutes.

    The reason roundness matters is because if the rectangle you are painting on Earth crosses 180 (or -180) degrees of longitude, then you need to change your logic a little. Normally your south-west longitude will be less than your north-east longitude. West is less than east. But if your square crosses the dreaded 180 boundary, then your western longitude will be greater than your eastern longitude. For example you might have a western longitude of 170 and an eastern longitude of 10 degrees.

    If you don’t deal with this little hiccup then when you ask the database for points that are inside a square that crosses the 180 boundary, then you’re going to get everything to the left and right of that square and nothing inside it. So you have to draw two squares on either side of the 180 boundary.

    You do this in your application logic. I’m going to throw a little code at you. Here goes:

    sub makeMBR {
     my ($swLat, $swLon, $neLat, $neLon) = @_;
     if($swLon > $neLon) {
     return (' (' .
     'MBRContains(GeomFromText(\'Polygon((' .
     $swLat . ' ' . $swLon . ',' . $neLat . ' ' . $swLon . ',' .
     $neLat . ' 180,' . $swLat . ' 180,' .
     $swLat . ' ' . $swLon .
     '))\'), g) ' .
     ' OR ' .
     ' MBRContains(GeomFromText(\'Polygon((' .
     $swLat . ' -180,' . $neLat . ' -180,' .
     $neLat . ' ' . $neLon . ',' . $swLat . ' ' . $neLon . ',' .
     $swLat . ' -180' .
     '))\'), g) ' .
     ') ', 1);
     } else {
     return (' MBRContains(GeomFromText(\'Polygon((' .
     $swLat . ' ' . $swLon . ',' . $neLat . ' ' . $swLon . ',' .
     $neLat . ' ' . $neLon . ',' . $swLat . ' ' . $neLon . ',' .
     $swLat . ' ' . $swLon .
     '))\'), g) ', 0);

    The code above is Perl. It looks horrendous but it’s actually quite simple. It creates the MBRContains() part of the SQL statement for you automatically. It simply says: If the swLon is greater than the neLon then create two boxes and ask the database for all points in both those boxes. Otherwise just create one box as per normal. The two boxes that area created are on either side of the dreaded 180 boundary.

    The function actually returns two values. The first is the MBRContains string that you can combine with the SQL in your application and feed to the database. The second value is either a 1 or a zero. A 1 indicates that the box has crossed the dreaded 180 boundary and you’re actually asking for points in 2 boxes. A zero indicates that it’s a regular single box. You may want to use this value in your application to determine how things are displayed. Generally when a box crosses the 180 boundary I tend to zoom out a little more so the user can see what’s going on.

    You’ll use this code like so:

    my ($geoSQL, $crossesIDL) = makeMBR(46, -123, 48, -121);
    #Then you'll run this query on the database:
    $dbh->selectrow_array("select lat, lon from geom where $geoSQL");


    If this helped you and you’ve discovered a tip that could help others or have something to add, please post a comment. Muchos gracias, baaie dankie, dis mos lekker by die see and have a spectacular day!


  • NASA's little security oops

    Last night I logged on to NASA’s Mauna Kea observatory live video feed to watch LCROSS slam into the moon. After LCROSS was finished pancaking into the moon and not producing the expected 6 mile plume, I noticed an IP address flash on the top right of the video display. So I hit it with a web browser. I found this:

    NASA videoconf system

    The big green button was begging to be hit, so I did. And up came a directory:

    Picture 4

    So I made a call and holy crap the video feed for Mauna Kea stopped and switched to the call I was busy making.

    Making NASA call

    So I called “Bob’s Office” and watched Bob at his desk for a while, then I called something else and these guys showed up on the feed:

    Picture 6

    At at this point sanity took over and I realized I’m controlling a federal government video feed that probably still has a few hundred people logged on. So I Googled around for as many email addresses as I could find at AMES Research Center ( and emailed them to let them know about their open feed. Of course NASA engineers are very busy and probably speak in formulas anyway, so they didn’t reply. But today thankfully the feed is password protected.

  • Will Twitter's lax data ownership policy result in jail time?

    Update: My real-time traffic feed says it all. 🙂 Thanks for the mention and link-love M.G. and Techcrunch.

    Two people died and 19 passed out at an Arizona sweat lodge last night. The author who hosted the event is James Arthur Ray and is an avid Twitterer. He deleted his 10 most recent tweets after the deaths, but Twitter search still has them cached. I’ve been aware of this for a while because every now and then I’ll go flying into asshole mode, post a tweet and then delete it within the hour. But it remains in Twitter search for all to see.

    But I suspect this case of losing control of your data is going to show up in court and be very high profile for Twitter. James most recent tweets are shown in the screenshot below. The two most recent tweets are the pertinent ones.

    twitter search

  • Remove GoBoingo to fix MacBook WiFi pauses, stutters, hiccups, latency, delays

    I recently upgraded our router to the Linksys WRT320N router. I set the router to only transmit on 5GHz and the performance has been awesome because all our neighbors are still on 2.4 GHz, our 2.4 GHz cordless phones don’t interfere with our WiFi anymore and because 5GHz is better at getting around corners and going through walls.

    Awesome… except on my personal MacBook.

    Earlier today  I was on a 3.5 hour skype call (!!!) and every few minutes I’d get a 1 second delay before the other side’s conversation continued. They told me the same would happen with my voice. I also use SSH on my MacBook which requires a real-time response from the server. Every minute or so I’d notice a 1 to 3 second pause in my internet connection. The WiFi didn’t drop, it just paused as if it was busy doing something, and then continued as normal.

    If you’re browsing or streaming something that pause probably won’t affect you because browsing usually has a second or two delay while DNS lookups occur etc, and streaming isn’t affected because it usually has a few seconds of content buffered. But with Skype and SSH it’s a real pain in the ass.

    After tweaking the hell out of my router’s settings including Beacon Interval, RTS Threshold etc. and trying to disable things like Interference Robustness on my MacBook I finally found the culprit.

    A little piece of software called GoBoingo was causing the problem. I launched Activity Monitor (under Applications / Utilities ) and stopped the GoBoingo process and voila! No more hiccups every 1 minute.

    I’ve seen a few reports of other background MacBook apps that monitor your WiFi that cause this exact problem. So if you’re getting stutter, hiccups, pauses, latency or delays every minute or so, kill these apps and check if that’s fixed your connection quality.