MarkMaunder dot com

How to easily cross-post your linkbait

In my recent podcast we chatted about Linkbait. Linkbait is simply the act of writing a headline for a blog entry or page that will generate a very high click rate and then publicizing that page. If you’re not sure how to write great headlines, start with this page of 10 Sure-Fire headline formulas that […]

July 26, 2007 | SEO | No comments

Yahoo takes 10 days to update an email address?

 I just updated my email address on Yahoo and got this: WTF?

July 26, 2007 | Randomness | No comments

How to record a remote podcast

A quick article about how to record a remote interview and how to fix the audio levels after the interview. I got a few questions about the equipment I used to record the podcast interview with Tony yesterday. I recorded it remotely using Skype – Tony was in West Seattle and I’m in Sammamish. We […]

July 26, 2007 | Technology | No comments

Startup Hacks: Marketing with no money – RescueTime Interview

This is a followup post to “Think you work hard? Think again.” which generated over 5,000 pageviews in a short time and almost took down my blog server this morning. It’s an audio interview with Tony Wright, the founder and CEO of The interview runs for just over 17 Mins. Click here to listen […]

July 25, 2007 | Startup Hacks | No comments

Configuring MySQL and Apache for a faster blog

I logged onto my blog this morning and it wouldn’t load. I tried to ping the server and it was still up. Then I tried ssh’ing into the server and it connected. I hit reload again in my browser and starting mumbling WTF. Then I ran ‘uptime’ on the server and got something like this: […]

July 25, 2007 | Technology | No comments

The Naked Truth Party

I just got back from the Naked Truth panel and party in Seattle. It was loads of fun. I met John Cook for the first time in the flesh – he’s interviewed me about 3 times and we’ve never actually met. Also met Michael Arrington briefly. The panel was so-so. I think the general consensus […]

July 24, 2007 | Startups, Tech News | No comments

TypePad down since 1:50pm PST

Looks like my choice to use on my own servers for my personal blog was a good one. Typepad has been down since 1:50pm. Unfortunately that means both Geojoey and Linebuzz corporate blogs are down. Dear TypePad member, The TypePad service is currently unavailable due to power issues at our co-location facility. This means […]

July 24, 2007 | Startups | No comments

Think you work hard? Think again.

UPDATE: This article generated over 5,000 page views in under 24 hours, so I’ve posted a follow-up interview with Tony Wright, RescueTime’s Founder & CEO. I’m participating in a closed Beta of and installed the software on Sunday. Yesterday sat down at my desk for 10 hours and then hit the site. Here are […]

July 24, 2007 | Startups | 6 comments

Rob Malda vs Alexa vs Slashdot vs Digg

Rob Malda (aka cmdrtaco), the founder of has written a rather schizophrenic piece on Slashdot about Alexa. He spends most of the article beating up Alexa, but is sure to include 5 links to the website in the article – two of them specifically asking people to install the Alexa toolbar. A while ago […]

July 23, 2007 | Tech News | No comments

The Nike Software Engineering Process

Starting a software business? Looking for a software engineering process? You can spend a month getting your head around one of these: Agile software development Crystal Clear Extreme programming Lean software development ISO 12207 Rational Unified Process CMM ISO 15504 Or.. 2 seconds learning the Nike method:

July 23, 2007 | Code, Startups | No comments

My name is Mark Maunder. I've been blogging since around 2003 when I started on Movable Type and ended up on WordPress which is what I use to publish today. With my wife Kerry, I'm the co-founder of Wordfence which protects over 5 million WordPress sites from hackers and is run by a talented team of 36 people. I'm an instrument rated pilot and I fly a Cessna 206 along with a 1964 Cessna 172 in the Pacific Northwest and Colorado. I'm originally from Cape Town, South Africa but live in the US these days. I code in a bunch of languages and am quite excited about our emerging AI overlords and how they're going to be putting us to work for them.